Preceding Pluto’s Sign Shift ~ 6 Jan 2023

A week or so ago I had one of those dreams. The world was in the tantrum toilet. Poor decisions went Dolby. Lousy actions were left, right, center, above and below. People familiar with matters Pluto were chosen to get into the fray and help every single person not aware of good use of Pluto to remember a series of simple truths:

Every action taken places a foundation stone in the fortress of your legacy.

Every action taken rises into the heavens as propitiation.

Every action taken can be perceived as your personal acknowledgment of God-given gifts, and every action can be seen as an intention to fulfill dharma by doing the best one can with what one’s got.

Every action seeks to restore a sense in your ability to impact others. And by others the cosmos means each and every single person, creature and plant you encounter along your path.

Pluto enjoys a brief preview of his time in Aquarius starting late March and running into mid-June. Sure he rolls back into Capricorn, but come the third week of January through September 2024 he dips into the sign’s waters for another reconnaissance mission of how he can inspire the Aquarian thing in cooperation with those on Earth. Finally, he commits to the consciousness of the water bearer in November of 2024 and sticks around a spell... a spell that lasts until March 2043.

No doubt some will claim the Age of Aquarius is upon us. That would be technically incorrect.

As of 1 January of 2023, according to rough precessionary calculations, the Aquarian Age begins some 350 years or so hence.

However, we have a bit of time with Pluto in Capricorn in 2023. And then more quick stints of the Lord of the Underworld back into Capricorn. One application of the sign of Capricorn points out the importance of stuff... the stuff one accumulates in life whether it be material resources, experience and wisdom, or intangible resources that range from cultivation of amazing personal energy to the acquisition of cyber currency, which has the illusion of being stuff. It’s all about polishing off participation in the demands of the real world, such that greater enthusiasm for the collective consciousness shift on the docket of life demands will Be positively engaged.

What sort of individual prep work can be conducted for Pluto’s plunge in Aquarius?

We are coming off last year’s final reminder courtesy of Venus conjunct Pluto. Proper questions for the Plutonian propitiation to come are:

Where is your passion?

What does you really, really want?

What do you value?

Sure Mercury joined Mars in retrograde status only a tad short of a conjunction top Pluto right before last year concluded. What? Are you going to wait three weeks for the “M” personal planets to turn direct before initiating action? Nope.

On 6 January (today!!) Mercury hits their midpoint of their current retrograde demarcated by a conjunction with the Sun. This marks not only the epiphany, but a time in which one declares the desire and need to direct ones abilities and resources on the planet. Here it’s time to proclaim the real world checklist for what one intends to do during 2023. Declare in sacred space of some description you’re all about this year. The retrograde of Mercury urges recalling the concept of “that was then, this is now.” Eliminate the need to assume that the crapola of the past several years must continue and repropagate itself. This is a new year with major planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) transacting sign changes. This does not even remotely resemble what was before.

Then, mid-month as Mercury stations, specifically 18 January, the Sun conjoins Pluto. Shed light on all plans. Hold nothing back. Declare all intentions and objectives with full clarity and seek to find others possessing similar visions for their output and the impact of their output on the planet.

Come 10 February, Mercury polishes off Capricorn with a conjunction to Pluto. Speak all affirmations as declarations of intention. With Pluto it is all about what you mean to do. Clearly state all objectives and aspirations as promises to yourself, to the world, and to Pluto of what you mean to accomplish based upon what you think and believe and what can be confidently stated with soulful certainty.

Next thing you know March rolls around. Saturn migrates to Pisces. Pluto burrows into Aquarius. The entire planetary atmospherics shift. Everything feels different. Nothing looks the same. The very color of everything seen shifts in hue and tone. Physical senses struggle to accommodate new sensations and subsequently emotional reactions to every situation, especially those that have prevailed for extended durations. Can this cosmic chemistry secure new consciousness compounds? Yes, it can. Those with redefined and declared objectives for overall being are first to gather the momentum!

Get onboard with the plan and punch your own ticket!

More soon!

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